Learn about preparing for life after full-time work through posts from Don's upcoming book.
You’re probably still easing into the year, so this week I won’t post anything that’s meant to teach. Instead, permit me to look forward to the next few months.
Best wishes for 2018
Some areas to consider in the context of new year’s resolutions, plus an anecdote of an unexpected benefit
Here’s a convenient summary of what the first 24 posts have covered. I’m sure that not everything was of personal relevance to you, so this post is a way to see where the stuff you are interested in fits into the big picture.
Here’s a personal view from a global conference on pensions
If you’re one of the many who don’t understand the meaning of “percent” or what decimals are, don’t be embarrassed, just read on …
Life is so busy, there never seems to be enough time or even a good time to think about this stuff. And then suddenly something happens and triggers a connection. Let’s examine teachable moments — and their scarier companions, wake-up calls.
I’ve come across lots of rules about how much money you’ll need for a happy, comfortable retirement. And all sorts of numbers, and all sorts of ways to calculate them. When I saw what colleagues of mine came up with, about what it really means to be rich, I loved the simplicity of their concept.
How to think about the taxes you pay, and why there are no universal principles that you can follow.
Really! Here’s why you don’t ever need to be an expert on any aspect of this.