Three new features, and nothing taken away
It’s with combined pride and nervousness that I write this. We’ve been planning a redesign for some time — and now, here it is.
I don’t know about you, but whenever I discover that a favourite website has been redesigned, my first thought is fear: what have I become used to, that will now be difficult or impossible to find? And so the first thing for me to say, in the case of this website, is: nothing has been taken away! You might not even have noticed any change at all, unprompted by this note, because the basic appearance is also unchanged.
All the navigation headings at the top of the home page are still in place: “blog,” “calculator,” “about Don,” “contact.” We’ve taken away the old spot for “planning for retirement” simply because there’s no need for it — that content still appears, only now it’s automatically at the bottom of the home page.
All the blog postings — all 85 that have gone before this one — are still there, in exactly the same places as before, and accessible in the same way. So are the readers’ comments. New posts will be added, as before, so that you can continue to express and share your views — something I know you enjoy, and it educates me too. (Thank you!)
The calculator is unchanged.
“About Don” has had a minor update, to reflect what’s changed in the past couple of years (not much).
So then, what’s new? Three additional features.
One is for the book, Life Two. This takes you to the Amazon publishing location relevant to your country.
The second is for the free companion volume: Freedom, Time, Happiness (or FTH for short). This will gradually be filled up, one section at a time, which will allow me to draw your attention to noteworthy features as they get published. You’ll be able to see all the other stuff that has been on my mind as I selected the essential pieces that now make up Life Two. I think of both books as guided tours of the land of life after full-time work, with me as your guide. But Life Two is a walking tour, of territory that everyone should visit, and with a personal exercise for you to perform at the end of each walk, to fix the ideas in your head and apply them to you. In contrast, FTH is a hop-on-hop-off bus tour, designed as a series of stand-alone stages, for added background on things that are relevant to Life Two. I’ve tried to link the two books as closely as possible, with mutual cross-references. I hope you enjoy them both and live a happier life, as a result!
The third new feature is for a series of podcasts that we prepared through the summer, “we” meaning friends at Common Wealth ( and myself. We have no business relationship, just a strong mutual admiration, and we’ve had an enormous amount of fun doing the podcasts. We’ve had conversations on a variety of relevant topics with some of the best and best-informed minds in the world, and at the end of each of the 8 high-flying podcasts I spend a few minutes bringing you down to earth with the simple angle: OK, having heard this, what are the implications for personal action? And then we added a bonus podcast, and a final one (making 10 in all) on Common Wealth’s reflections on addressing retirement insecurity, with me as interviewer. We hope to launch the series some time in November, and once that’s done I’ll let you know where you can find them (at well-known podcast sites) and I’ll also add links on this website.
Between FTH and the podcasts, that’s a lot of excitement to look forward to!
I have written about retirement planning before and some of that material also relates to topics or issues that are being discussed here. Where relevant I draw on material from three sources: The Retirement Plan Solution (co-authored with Bob Collie and Matt Smith, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009), my foreword to Someday Rich (by Timothy Noonan and Matt Smith, also published by Wiley, 2012), and my occasional column The Art of Investment in the FT Money supplement of The Financial Times, published in the UK. I am grateful to the other authors and to The Financial Times for permission to use the material here.
Congratulations on all of these updates, Don! You are amazing!
Thanks, Cindy — that makes it worthwhile! Thanks for all your help, too.
Your website redesign looks great! Love the fact that, as you say, “nothing has been taken away”. Thank you for that! It’s still clean, lean and easy to navigate, but I very much like the new additions. In particular, I am looking forward to your podcasts. Congratulations Don!
Thanks — much appreciated!
Thanks for keeping the “Comments”. I always look forward to the exchange of information and ideas.
My pleasure — I get a lot from them too. (And thanks for all of yours!)