Life After Full-time Work Blog

Learn about preparing for life after full-time work through posts from Don's upcoming book.

# 88 The Prologue To Freedom, Time, Happiness

Notes about the Prologue and References


OK, here we go!

The Prologue contains a few thoughts before we start our tour together, to explore the land of Life Two. This is just general background: a little bit of philosophy and some definitions.

When I checked the blog posts, I found that six of the nine topics have been posted already, among the first 20 or so of the 87 posts before this one. They included telling you why you should bother about this, and the fact that you don’t need to be an expert on any aspect of it.

The Prologue items that are new, then, are P2 (a reminder that freedom to live a happy life after full-time work is a gift to ourselves, not a natural right), P6 (saying that healthcare is a very important aspect of Life Two, but, as with taxes, I have no general principles to give you that apply universally) and P9, where I outline some of the terminology I will use.

I’m also uploading the References section. For really deep dives, here are 76 books, papers and articles that I have made explicit use of in writing FTH. Heaven knows how many others I read, as I did my research! The other pieces influenced me too, but I didn’t cite them explicitly in the text of FTH, so they aren’t included in the References.

And that’s it!

Next up: Route 1 (exploring happiness and the psychology of Life Two), in its entirety.



I have written about retirement planning before and some of that material also relates to topics or issues that are being discussed here. Where relevant I draw on material from three sources: The Retirement Plan Solution (co-authored with Bob Collie and Matt Smith, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009), my foreword to Someday Rich (by Timothy Noonan and Matt Smith, also published by Wiley, 2012), and my occasional column The Art of Investment in the FT Money supplement of The Financial Times, published in the UK. I am grateful to the other authors and to The Financial Times for permission to use the material here.

2 Responses to “# 88 The Prologue To Freedom, Time, Happiness”

  1. Mark Chamberlain says:

    Thank you Don – enjoy!

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