Life After Full-time Work Blog

Learn about preparing for life after full-time work through posts from Don's upcoming book.

Happy Holidays!

All the best to all of you for the holiday season that has already started. I wish you health and happiness and peace of mind (to the extent those things are possible in this fast-changing, complicated world), and I express my gratitude for your support for my blog posts. Whenever I hear from you (typically an email rather than a comment for publication, or when someone tells me at a conference about a particular post that touched them), it makes my day. Some tell me you have no comments to make on the posts, you just enjoy reading them. Thank you!

That’s it. I won’t summarize the year’s posts. I’ll just say: see you next year!


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I have written about retirement planning before and some of that material also relates to topics or issues that are being discussed here. Where relevant I draw on material from three sources: The Retirement Plan Solution (co-authored with Bob Collie and Matt Smith, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009), my foreword to Someday Rich (by Timothy Noonan and Matt Smith, also published by Wiley, 2012), and my occasional column The Art of Investment in the FT Money supplement of The Financial Times, published in the UK. I am grateful to the other authors and to The Financial Times for permission to use the material here.

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