Life After Full-time Work Blog

Learn about preparing for life after full-time work through posts from Don's upcoming book.

# 111 What’s Innovative In Pensions?

You tell me!

# 110 Low Interest Rates Are A Tax On Savers

in Finance

Central bankers cannot find a way to help borrowers without hurting savers

# 109 And That’s A Wrap!

Introducing our final podcast, and some personal thoughts

# 108 FIRE: What, How, Why – And Why Not

Financial independence, retire early – well, maybe not such a good idea.

# 107 How Much Financial Certainty Do You Want?

in Finance

How to proceed, depending on what you want

# 106 The Names And Dates Of Different Generations

I’ve developed a rough rule of thumb that helps me remember who’s who

# 105 Podcast: The Perspective And Role Of The Plan Sponsor

Takeaways from a leading plan sponsor

# 104 Innovative Solutions To Retirement Security Challenges

A new blog post, and I’m going to feature the “Don’s personal touch” series

# 103 Here’s The State Of The Art Regarding ESG

This is my take on how responsible institutional investors act, in practice

# 102 Six Reflections Prompted By The Pandemic

Thoughts about the pandemic, short-term survival, short-term financial safety, equity dividends and volatility, and the wisdom of converting labor into financial assets