Life After Full-time Work Blog

Learn about preparing for life after full-time work through posts from Don's upcoming book.

#171 Another Angle On Those Many Forms Of Wealth

It’s powerful when you reach the same destination on two different journeys.

#170 Many Forms Of Wealth

There’s more to wealth than just an abundance of money.

# 167 Aging With Dignity

Among the things we particularly dislike even thinking about, let alone talking about and planning for, is the potential indignity of aging. And if we have no advance thoughts about it, we may become just medical “cases” to doctors rather than human beings with feelings. Let’s explore approaches that help maintain dignity.

#166 Health In Later Life

It’s not just longevity, it’s the years of good health that are important

#163 What If We Knew We’d Live To 100?

We’d pace ourselves differently, and society would change

#162 Exercises For The Brain

Fun things to do on your own or in groups

#161 All About Mindfulness

What it is, how it helps, how to do it

#160 Think Of Your Brain Like A Muscle

… even though it isn’t. (It’s an organ.)

#157 How To Plan If You’re In Uncertain Health

I’ve avoided the subject so far

#155 How To Improve Our Sleep Patterns – And A Podcast

Here’s a list of useful habits … and the link to a podcast I featured in.